
A Guide to Shadow Work: Unveiling the Depths


This short guide delves into the depths of the shadow, providing an overall picture of this enigmatic practice. Doing the work is a gritty job but who else can do it better than you?

This short guide delves into the depths of the shadow, providing an overall picture of this enigmatic practice. Doing the work is a gritty job but who else can do it better than you? The new age has brought about this so-called trend but shadow work is not a new concept; it’s been around for awhile. In fact, Carl Jung, a Swiss Psychotherapist, introduced the concept of The Shadow in 1945, coined The Jungian Shadow, in his Collected Works.

In a nutshell, shadow work encourages the participant to dig deep and meet trauma at its source and to integrate it. Of course, that is an oversimplified explanation, and this Shadow Work guide touches the surface of what this work can look like, while providing valuable insights.

Healing is personal, it’s an inner-journey. As with any journey, make sure that you’re fully prepared to take on this task. Seek professional guidance from a licensed therapist or spiritual practitioner if you’re not sure where to begin.

To be clear, the practice of Shadow Work can open old wounds and traumas that some are not prepared to take on, but it can be a great addition to your overall wellness journey. Your practice should be used as a secondary approach that involves collaborating with your spiritual team and professional guidance.




~ The Sibs


shaddow work, shadow integration, spiritual guidance, spiritual growth, shadow integration


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